Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Home Hunting

Uutta kotia etsiskelemässä. Katselin tässä yksi päivä netistä muutaman episoden verran kanadalais-yhdysvaltalaissarjaa nimeltä "Property Virgins" (Suomeksi Neloselta "Pikakurssi kodinostoon") joka näyttää ensiasunnonostajien asunnonmetsästystä, lähinnä Torontossa. Itselläkin siis pienimuotoista asuntokuumetta ilmassa ja sama ilmiö tuntuu olevan koko kaveripiirilläni, valmistumisen kynnyksellä olevilla nuorilla aikuisilla. 

Toisaalta en kuitenkaan haluaisi luopua nykyisestä asunnostanikaan. Sijainti on aivan mahtava, puitteet erinomaiset ja asumiskustannukset inhimilliset. Ainoa mikä tässä kuitenkin joskus häiritsee on tilan puute; jotenkin sitä materiaa kertyy salakavalan huomaamattomasti lisää eikä mistään voi tai osaa tietenkään luopua. Osa huonekaluista odottaa jo nyt muutenkin suosiolla avarampaa elinympäristöääm vanhemmillani.

Asuntoja on tullut netistä surffattua nyt silloin tällöin ja itselleni alkaa pikkuhiljaa muodostua kuva "unelmakämpästä". Tietysti realistisin budjetin rajoissa. Kuten Property Virgin - sarjassa, olen itsekin laatinut samanlaisen toivelistan minkä property virginit Sandralle laativat:

- Keskeinen sijainti (kantakaupunki)
- Tilava makuuhuone + pieni työ/vierashuone
- Open concept eli yhtenäinen sekä tilava keittiö-olohuone
- Nykyaikainen keittiö
- Muuttovalmis eli isommat rempat tehty ja vain mahdollisen pintaremontin tarpeessa
- Valoisa
- Asunto jossa on luonnetta!
- Edullinen vastike

Kovat vaatimukset... mutta aina saa unelmoida. Onneksi ei ole kiire asunnonvaihtoon.

Kuvat: Oikotie.fi

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Where To Travel In 2012?

This is the time of year when all the magazines and travel blogs list their own hot spots where to spend holidays this year. Check for example NY Times and the 45 places to go in 2012 where Helsinki was listed as number 2! Last year in March I posted some of my recommendations where to travel in Summer 2011. (check this link) All of these destinations are my favourites, places where I have travelled many times and had great, unforgettable moments. And all of these destinations could still be recommended also for this year 2012. 

So... besides Istanbul, Switzerland, Sardinia, Slovenia and Croatia, here are my top 5 places to go in 2012! Places I would like to visit again and again.

Open your heart and fall in love with Madrid. My favourite city in Spain but one of my favourite cities in the world as well. One of the reasons I love this city is the people; they are the heart of the city. They are simply amazing, full of passion and friendliness. Madrid is like a second home to me. How would I recommend you to spend a day in Madrid? Wander along the massive but inviting streets of the city, take a break in the shadows of Parque del Retiro and have a bocadillo de calamares for a snack while visiting the Plaza Mayor. On a rainy day find yourself the best shopping streets or spend time in the great museums of the city like Prado. Continue your day with a cerveza or tinto de verano in a small tapas bar (often including a tapas). And then finish your day with a massive never-ending dinner with a good company. In case you still have some energy, follow the locals and enjoy the amazing nightlife of Madrid. Dance the night away (even till 8am) and then find something sweet for the breakfast; churros con chocolate. Spend your hangover Sunday in the delicious streets of tapas bar heaven La Latina.

La Latina - Madrid (copyright Sleepless in Helsinki)

Spend an imperial Spring break in the romantic Vienna. City where the history meets the modern age. Explore monumental palaces, museums and parks. Shop till you drop in Mariahilferstrasse. Sit, relax, have a cup of coffee, a piece of cake and watch the locals in the glamorous Viennese cafes of the city. Have a walking tour in the footsteps of Mozart and other great persons of the European history. Have a schnitzel and ein Bier for the dinner. If you are here for the culture, Vienna State Opera is a must. If your legs feel tired after busy shopping or sightseeing, enjoy a pique-nique in the beautiful park of Schönbrunn or go for a Danube cruise tour. But don't fall asleep for too long; otherwise you could find yourself in a different country. Once a upon time I left part of my heart in Vienna.

Schönbrunn Castle - Vienna (copyright Sleepless in Helsinki)

Gun Bae! Seoul is the place to be in 2012! This amazing metropolitan city became one of favourite cities last year. I had the best time exploring this unique culture in the city that surprises you in every moment. Book your tickets now for a spring break and enjoy the beauty of the cherry blossom. This huge but well organized city is ideal for city breaks. City of fashion, design and food culture; Korean culture mixed with the Western lifestyle. American style coffee chains in every corner, huge shopping centres, tea shops, karaoke bars, noodle restaurants. Try the hipster area of Hongdae or upscale Garo-sil, this city has so much to offer for every taste. A lifestyle city as its best. So take off your shoes, have shot of soju and enjoy the Korean hospitality and friendliness.

Cherry Blossom in Seoul (copyright Sleepless in Helsinki)

After the city holidays it's time for something more relaxing. But are you fed up the with traditional tourist resorts in the Mediterranean? Interested in Turkey but don't want to spend a week with other tourists in Alanya? Here is something for you: Bodrum. This upscale resort could be called as the Riviera of Turkey. Full of luxurious cafes and restaurants, marinas with amazing yachts, and beautiful people. The best time to visit Bodrum is in August when the city and its neighbouring villages are populated by the rich and famous from Istanbul. But still you can have a low-budget holiday by watching the rich kids play. Yet, forget the souvenir bazaars, tourist discos, British pubs. A jet-set holiday in Bodrum is jeep safaris, sailing trips, catamaran parties, jazz concerts at the marina yacht club, sea food dinners, cocktail bars, glamorous night clubs. 

Sunset in Bodrum (copyright Sleepless in Helsinki)

Still up for more sun and relaxing? Go to Cuba before it's too late! Follow the footsteps of Hemingway, explore Havana, sip mojitos with a Cohiba and enjoy the Caribbean heat. Cuba is definetely not for shopping or food culture, but who cares. The country has still so much else to offer. Combine few days or a week in Havana with a relaxing beach holiday in some of the many beach resorts of the island. Try to get contact with the locals to experience the real Cuban life. Stay at casas particulares (B&B's) and ask your hosts to cook for you; hotels and restaurants cannot offer you the real Cuban experience. Visit casas de la musicas and let the Cuban rhythm take you over. And remember: you haven't seen Cuba if you haven't been to Havana.

Malecon in Havana (copyright Sleepless in Helsinki)

Save travels!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Recharging The Batteries

I wish. Viime viikon sairastelu, työkiireet ja synkkä sää ovat saaneet tämän miehen energiatason aivan pohjalle. Ruoka ei maistu, kahvi ei maistu. Ainoastaan uni maistuisi jos ehtisi nukkumaan. Haaveena olisi äkkilähtö aurinkoon jos se vain ajallisesti olisi mahdollista. Toiveena olisi akkujen lataaminen.

Nyt kuitenkin odotan viikonloppua jolloin aion lataa akkuja ainakin sosiaalisella tasolla. Joululomilta ovat palanneet viimeisetkin kaverini ja yhteiset suunnitelmat lämmittävät nyt jo mieltä. Silti uneksin kylmästä juomasta Karibian auringon alla! Sitä ennen kuorin pari appelsiinia, katson uusimman Modern Family -jakson ja fiilistelen vanhoja reissukuvia!

Photo: Copyright Sleepless in Helsinki

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Big Jet Plane

I know... being sick kinda makes you more emotional. More time to think and re-think. Or maybe it is just all this medicine =) Anyway, this song by Angus and Julia Stone made my day.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Chill Out

Vuosi 2012 alkoi vauhdikkaasti hyvässä seurassa. Vauhti loppui kuitenkin melko pian. Kului pari päivää ja nyt kirjoittelen tätä postausta lähes vuoteen omana influenssan nujertamana. Energia on kaikonnut ja neljä seinää ovat tulleet tuttuakin tutummaksi. Erityisen nihkeää on ollut peruuttaa moni näille päiville sovittu meno tai tapaaminen. Hyvä puoli tässä on kuitenkin se, että kerrankin saa vain "olla" ja vielä hyvällä omatunnolla. Ei ole kiire minnekään, ei tarvitse tehdä mitään, ei tarvitse stressata mistään ja tietää, että maailma pyörii ilman minuakin. Aika on mennyt jenkkisitcomeja katsellessa, päikkäreitä ottaessa ja karpalomehua litkiessä. Olen surffaillut matkailusivustoilla ja suunnitellut vuoden matkoja. Olen surffaillut miesten muotisivustoilla ja suunnitellut mistä ja mitä tänä vuonna ostaisin. Mutta nyt jatkan sitä mitä niin harvoin osaan tai saan tehdä eli vain olla ja chillata.

 Photo: Sleepless in Helsinki. Chilling out in Barcelona.

Monday, January 2, 2012

My January 2012

It's a new year and I just wanna jump into a turquoise water on a Caribbean island. Escape the coldness and darkness, enjoy the sun and relax. But. No can do. I'm stuck here in Helsinki. Anyway, here is my January 2012:

  • Feeling hot and cold
  • Wearing new clothes.. again. Thanks for the winter sales!
  • Wearing D&G One + Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male
  • Travelling. Staying home but eagerly planning my travel schedule for 2012!
  • Working harder and trying to close the year 2011 to be able to start the year 2012
  • Drinking champagne. Have you heard about champagne diet?!
  • Eating. Whatever I want. Whenever I want.
  • Enjoying the time with my friends. After works, good debates, long time no see -meetings.
  • Dreaming of you
  • Reading Monocle. Of course.
  • Listening to jazzy beats
  • Watching Office, HIMYM, TBBT, Happy Endings, 2 Broke Girls, White Collar... You name it.
  • Trying to sleep more
  • Thinking that life could be worse!

Photo: January in Central Park, NYC. Copyright: Sleepless in Helsinki